MITI - definição. O que é MITI. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é MITI - definição

MITI; MiTi; Miti (disambiguation)

· Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Investment
Ministry of International Trade and Industry         
Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Japan); Ministry of International Trade and Industry (japan); 通商産業省; Tsūsho-sangyō-shō; Ministry of International Trade & Industry; Minister of International Trade and Industry; Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry; Japanese Government's Ministry of International Trade and Industry
MITI occupies a central position in Japan's "economic bureaucracy" and is regarded as one of the three most powerful and prestigious ministries of the central government (along with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs). In formulating and implementing Japan's trade and industrial policies, MITI is responsible for funding most of Japan's export promotion programs (although operation of these programs is left to JETRO). The Ministry also supervises the export financing programs of Japan's Export-Import Bank, operates several types of export insurance programs, supports research organizations, and facilitates various types of overseas technical and cooperation training programs. Lately, MITI has assumed a role in encouraging imports of foreign products into Japan.



Miti or MITI may refer to:

Exemplos do corpo de texto para MITI
1. Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi will officially open MIHAS 2007, hosted by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) and organized by Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE), today.
2. It was the natural thing to do." Situations like Greenwald‘s, where an uncomfortable work environment is more a product of exclusive staff–room conversations than short–sighted benefits packages, can be difficult to miti– gate.